The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1920’s
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1920's | People think a great lot of a boy who is dressed in this uniform, because they know he is not an ordinary boy, but that he can be clean and smart and active, and that he can be trusted to do his best to obey orders or to do good turns for other people. That is what is expected of you because you wear this uniform. Lord Robert Baden-Powell |
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1930’s
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1930's | The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country. Lord Robert Baden-Powell |
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1940’s
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1940's | The Scout kit, through its uniformity, now constitutes a bond of brotherhood among boys across the world. Lord Robert Baden-Powell |
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1950’s
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1950's | The correct wearing of the Uniform and smartness of turnout of the individual Scout makes him a credit to our Movement. It shows his pride in himself and in his troop. Lord Robert Baden-Powell |
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1960’s
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1960's | Smartness in uniform and correctness in detail may seem a small matter, but has its value in the development of self-respect and means an immense deal to the reputation of the Movement among outsiders who judge by what they see. Lord Robert Baden-Powell |
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1970’s
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform in the 1970's | One slovenly Scout, on the other hand, inaccurately dressed may let down the whole Movement in the eyes of the public. Show me such a fellow and I can show you who who has not grasped the true Scouting spirit and who takes no pride in his membership of our great Brotherhood. Lord Robert Baden-Powell |
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform of Present Day
The Hong Kong Scout Uniform of Present Day | Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I'll show you a poorly uniformed leader. Lord Robert Baden-Powell |